1·Wu Yi Mountain City earns most of its income from the tourist trade.
2·“What bridge stands east of the city?” “Gold Goose Bridge, ” Wu Yi answered.
问:"城东这座桥名为何桥?" 吴懿曰:"金雁桥。"
3·Wu Yi, an 18-year-old college freshman, applied to be an Asian Games hostess last summer.
4·Premium growth: The home of da hung pao tea is Wu Yi Mountain in China's northern Fujian province, where the six 'mother bushes' grow.
5·As a famous educator and social activist, wu yi - fang 's educational thinking is mainly conceptualized and theorized out of her educational practice.
6·Usually they want treatment only for symptoms, says Dejian, but "Chan Wu Yi treats the whole person. When the person is healthy, the symptoms disappear."
7·Wu Yi says she did not cancel any of her work shifts for interviews after becoming famous overnight, though she did answer tons of phone calls during breaks.
8·Cynicism has long been the stereotype of many young Chinese who are only children, but for Wu Yi and the shuttle bus volunteers, it is all about doing the job right.
9·Subsequently, subjects received a test in the application process, Wu Yi Wen duty examiner found, and the online information platform Xiaomou a consistent run and identity, they report to the higher.
10·If need free - standing self - improvement, without the personnel of reinforce, come with zhou yi arrive between white climate of zhou wu for best choice.